Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Journey Begins

Hi there, and welcome to my new pet project: a blog about my quest to kill my lazy tendencies. I hope that this blog will be the additional motivation I need to finally get over the biggest hurdle in my life: laziness. I will try to keep this up to date, and post helpful info I find on my journey. Maybe what I find can help others too.

I am a graphic design student who's about to graduate but still has to learn the most important lesson yet: organization and time management. So in this blog, I hope to log my efforts and see a big difference over the next year.

This is who I am starting this blog:
I get up after 3-5 alarm clock rings. I talk myself into being late to class just so I can get 5 more minutes of sleep. I do my projects for school last minute and do bare minimum and don't finish things off. I have potential that's completely wasted. My ego is big with no apparent cause. I write things off as being no big deal just for the sake of my comfort. I am a slave to comfort and entertainment, and it needs to stop before its too late. I also have some client projects that are behind schedule because I've forgotten about them... :/

I SINCERELY HOPE I can change into a better more responsible person who does a lot of things each day that makes me more productive. Right now I'm very unproductive and resistant to the idea of doing creative work for fun. I will post blog pages to log different aspects of my journey and I will update each of them within the post, that way I don't have to deal with a bazillion pages.

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