I'm an ADD student going for graphic design who is battling laziness and recording my struggles and triumphs over procrastination and disorganization. For 10 weeks of school, I will log my progress and ideas every day.
In true form, laziness occurred a couple years ago and became forgetfulness. My pattern. My ADHD, boredom-avoiding mind did what it always does; avoid what I perceive as boredom. Avoiding the discomfort of staring down one path instead of sitting at the cross roads with a bigger picture view. The ultimate fear of commitment. The dreamer tendency to stay in brainstorm mode full of possibilities and not work. My personal tendency.
I started this blog when I was younger, grasping at one of the most important obstacles I face: defeating my laziness. Realizing potential. Production vs fear.
I'm writing again. By sheer chance, the misadventures of my non-ideal careers might have given me the ability to wake up and put things to action. I worked in call centers being hyper-productive and transitioned to project management. I just needed a job but my unintentional career path may have directed me towards skills I deeply needed.
I had 3 hours of sleep for the last two nights. I did alright yesterday, but today time went so fast that I lost track of time. Good news is that my instructor approved one of my pieces as being portfolio ready, and the 4 are close to fallow. My illustrations are good, and my campaign for a made up store last quarter just needs some tweaking. In other words, my print portfolio is almost done. On the bad side, I need to redo a lot of projects for the multimedia portfolio... and that will take some time. I'm shooting for 16 peices in my portfolio. I want 25 to choose from ultimately. My print half has about 6 peices, maybe more to fallow... I still need to decide what to use and if I'm going in a specific direction or not.
---------------------- DAY 1
Today was the first day of class during my final term. I had a class from 7:45-10:30 and a second class from 6-9:30. During the time in between classes I propelled myself forward with a self imposed random project that really got me working on the computer again without feeling the need to take hour long breaks.
Organization: b
Concentration: C
Time Management: C
Productivity: b
Creativity: b
Concepts: a
Mood: tired but satisfied
---------------------- DAY 2
Time Management:
So today I was sitting around after my first class waiting for another and I started mindlessly brainstorming like I usually do. I was worried about my portfolio and not having enough pieces to choose from... And then a very obvious way to occupy my time hit me. I am going to challenge myself to do one project each day this term. This will really push me to my limits, but I figure if I can crank out projects in one day that are finished, then I should have about 50+ Projects to choose from by portfolio. I will spend some days fixing up old projects, just to prove that I can improve my work, but I really like this idea and it will challenge me in ways I've never challenged myself before. I will update this page almost daily and tell of each days project and how it turned out. I will list the things I learned from each project I try or things I felt unchallenged by. Point is: I want to take graphic design more seriously than I have and I want to be an asset wherever I go. And I can't get there without some insanity on my part. I think this is me embracing that side. Anyways...
DAY 1| Realistic rendering for an Ad-(in illustrator) Subject is cookware or grocery store because I'm hungry right now... ^_^ I'll update later... (11:28am)
*Subject: Steam Cooker for "healthy eating" motivated ad (11:36am)
Start Time:11:28am
Finish Times: 9:30pm (illustrator rendering)
Here is the final result of today's labors. I feel like I accomplished something. Normally I would have lounged the day away. Its a good feeling, and I think I'm going to keep this self-project going. Day One completed. I did an alright job in my opinion. It look a long time, I did get distracted occasionally by the internet, but nothing too serious, mostly facebook with the occasional email check.
So, I let myself be lazy this last week... It's hard to kill a habit I've allowed for most of my life, but starting tomorrow I will start the battle. Well, technically its starts tonight with going to bed at a decent hour and calming down before hand.
So.. Time management is my enemy #1. I'm going to experiment with strict time management Tonight/Tomorrow, and it looks like this:
7:25-7:50| Working out 7:55-8:20| Showering and ready for sleep 8:35-9:00| Last minute internet/computer 9-10:00| Reading/Sleep ----- 6:30-6:45| Wake up/Get ready 6:50-7:10| Eat/Go back for make-up 7:15-7:25| Pack/buy morning snack, Lunch, possibly dinner (budget=$8) 7:30-7:45| Travel to school with Everything
So... My sleep Schedule is kinda fucked up from my break from school and I need to get that back before I can do the morning routine. I'm sure I'll PTFO tonight after class. So goal for this week is to make my sleep schedule into a steady routine.
Hi there, and welcome to my new pet project: a blog about my quest to kill my lazy tendencies. I hope that this blog will be the additional motivation I need to finally get over the biggest hurdle in my life: laziness. I will try to keep this up to date, and post helpful info I find on my journey. Maybe what I find can help others too.
I am a graphic design student who's about to graduate but still has to learn the most important lesson yet: organization and time management. So in this blog, I hope to log my efforts and see a big difference over the next year.
This is who I am starting this blog: I get up after 3-5 alarm clock rings. I talk myself into being late to class just so I can get 5 more minutes of sleep. I do my projects for school last minute and do bare minimum and don't finish things off. I have potential that's completely wasted. My ego is big with no apparent cause. I write things off as being no big deal just for the sake of my comfort. I am a slave to comfort and entertainment, and it needs to stop before its too late. I also have some client projects that are behind schedule because I've forgotten about them... :/
I SINCERELY HOPE I can change into a better more responsible person who does a lot of things each day that makes me more productive. Right now I'm very unproductive and resistant to the idea of doing creative work for fun. I will post blog pages to log different aspects of my journey and I will update each of them within the post, that way I don't have to deal with a bazillion pages.